- Oct 2014: Restart of CO2/CH4 gas analyser at bog site
- Jun 2014: Stop operation of CO2/CH4 gas analyser at bog site
- Apr 2014: Restart of CO2/ H2O measurements and of CO2/ H2O / CH4 measurements at forest and bog eddy site, respectively
- Oct 2013: Demount two IRGAs at eddy sites due to the malfunctioning
- Jun 2012: Final installation and start up of eddy systems in the forest and the bog N-NE from the tall tower, maintenance
- 2011: Installation of cable for new eddy systems, transport, maintenance & bunker re-construction
- Sep 2010: Construction of two towers for eddy measurements (10 and 30 metres height)
- Jun 2010: Installation of tall tower safety equipment
- since September 2009: CO data again
- May 2009: Start of CO2/ CH4 measurements
- since 2007: Meteorology measurement
- since 2006: Aerosol measurement
- 2006-2007: Continuous CO2/CH4/O2/CO/N2O measurements
- 2005-2006: Construction of the tall tower
- 1998-2004: Eddy flux stations in forest and bog within EUROSIB and TCOS
- 1998-2005: Regular profiling flights
- 1993: begin of forest inventories, ecosystem explorations, and other research activities in Zotino region, e.g. FIRESCAN